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Director’s Meeting 7-9pm on February 6, 2012
Shawnigan Lake Community Centre, Elsie Miles Annex Room 2


  1.  Introductions
  2.  Questions, comments & agenda items from the public
  3.  Initiative Reports:

    * Shawnigan Advisory Planning Commission
    * Shawnigan Village Development Council Launch Team
    * Shawnigan Watershed Roundtable Launch Team

  4.  Shawnigan Improvement District and Fire Hall #3
  5.  Preparations for the 2012 Triathlon
  6.  Parks: Master Plan: Road Ends challenge and the Elsie     Miles Property
  7.  Regional Tourism: Proposed Visitor Centre at the Forest  Museum
  8.  The future of “Inspire”
  9.  Shawnigan Resident’s Association Initiatives
  10.  Area Director comments on current issues
  11.  Closing questions and comments from the public

Next Director’s Meeting: 7pm Monday, March 5, 2011 at the Community Centre

Bruce is open to invitations to attend local organization meetings or to meet with others as needed: 
email or phone 250-510-7082 

Area Director’s Meetings: Standard Agenda

 Each Director’s meeting will address public questions and comments related to the service mandate of the Cowichan Valley Regional District for which Shawnigan residents and businesses are taxed.  It will also include reports from the Area Director on issues that require public consultation as they are considered for regional district action or that have been subsequently decided by the regional district Board and its Committees.

The meetings will also be available to Shawnigan civic groups as a forum to present current plans, share ideas and showcase projects that deserve wider communication to the public, linkage among each other for mutual support and attention by the CVRD or other government agencies.

Bruce Fraser
CVRD Regional Director-Shawnigan Lake